Woman with healthy smile

Easy Tips to Improve Your Oral Health

Sometimes it can feel difficult to keep up with your dental health. Here are some easy ways you can improve your oral health!

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Woman holding mouthwash

Alcohol-Based vs. Alcohol-Free Mouthwash

When modern mouthwash was first invented, it contained alcohol that stabilized the mixture & helped fight germs & bacteria. Today, some mouthwashes use alternative ingredients in place of alcohol. So what’s the difference?

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Girl who lost a baby tooth

The Magical Origin of the Tooth Fairy

Many children today look forward to losing their teeth & the subsequent visit from the Tooth Fairy, who brings money or small gifts in exchange for the lost tooth. Although the Tooth Fairy as we know it isn’t a very old tradition, there have been a variety of legends & myths throughout history relating to the loss of teeth.

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